With the rising cost of gasoline and an increase of energy costs, it is a good time to think about ways you can save energy and money as an owner or as a tenant. Listed below are 4 money-saving energy solutions/incentive programs to start saving money in Scottsdale, Phoenix and the surrounding areas. 

  1. APS (602)371-6767

The SRP “Our Solutions for Business Program” can help small and or big businesses find ways to not only use less energy but also help make smarter choices in energy use.

  • SRP (Salt River Project (602) 236-3054

Boost your bottom line with SRP business rebates.  Rebates for LED lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, electric forklifts, Solar energy, commercial charging stations, etc.  There is a pilot to encourage the conversion of medium/heavy duty vehicles and much more.

A corporate income tax credit is available for taxpayers who own a qualified energy generator.  Approval and certification are required prior to claiming the tax. Click link above for more info.

        There are numerous incentives relating to energy savings such as: Federal Tax Credit for the          purchase of new EV & Hybrid Vehicles, Alternative Fuel Emissions tax exemption, Plug-in electric   Vehicle Rebates, Lower Time of Use Rates, Commercial Vehicle Rebates, etc.